Stop Trying To Be Fancy With Your Health

It is so easy to get whatever information you need in today’s world. With a simple click of the mouse, you cna get whatever information you need in life. But sometimes it is too much. I am here to tell you to STOP trying to be fancy with your health, and get back to the basics.

I was cruising around Reddit and came across a fitness subreddit where this guy proceeded to post about testosterone in men. The article actually was correct, and gave some great information. But went over the top (for most people).

The article went on to explain how parabens in shampoo, phthalates in bottles, aluminum in everything, and mis-aligned omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids cause more a block in testosterone, and therefore an increase in estrogen, making men fat and giving them an inability to lose weight unless they fix the full list of issues.

None of the article was wrong. As a matter of fact, as a science nerd, I quite like the article and how it was written. All of it was factual and on point.

But it isn’t for everyone.

I can see the middle-aged father of 3 sitting on the couch, after another drive through dinner, finish off 4 beers right before bed with no physical activity in his life looking over to his wife:

Honey – do you know if my shampoo has paraben or phthalates in them? It says here that this is the reason I can’t lose weight. I should really look into getting some all natural shampoo.

There is the problem I have with the article, and how most men take it. Yes – the article is correct in everything they said – but most are looking too deep with their health instead of taking the easy road first.

Is there a place to look at your testosterone and what you are putting in your body to maximize? That is a big f*ck ya to me. But I would suspect there are only 5% of you out there reading this that fall into that category.

The rest of you? You need to get off your lazy ass.

Look at your life – all if it. Look at your stress levels. Look at your food intake. Look at your sex life. Look at your physical activity. Look at your social circle.

You don’t need to worry if you are cooking on a Teflon non stick pan. You just need to f*cking cook more and stop eating at the golden arches.

Should you get rid of your pans because they may contain aluminum that effects your testosterone production? One could make an argument. But there are so many other things that you can do to start on the process.

Information overload will kill you. Stop playing fancy with your health and get back to the basics.

Eat food (real food at that). Get active. Have sex. Lower your stress. Have an outlet. Get sunshine. Breathe.

You get those things down solid – then you can start tweaking the small things for results. Until then – focus on the big wins.

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