Stop Lying To Yourself

stop lying to yourself

There is so much bullsh*t on the internet. It literally is sickening. So many people try so hard to be something they are not. And most people can see right through it. It’s time to get real. It’s time to stop lying to yourself.

Especially when it comes to your health.

As men – we are strong. It’s in our blood. We protect & provide. We lead our family the best way we see fit – or we do our best to do this.

We all want that perfect life. We all want that beautiful family life. A job we absolutely love that provides an income that makes us safe and comfortable. A romantic life with our spouse that we only see in movies. To be strong, fit, and watch those peering eyes of the neighborhood wives as we run down the street with our shirt off. To be a dad that is not only strong and director our kids through life, but is playful and energetic when our kids need it the most.

We want it all – and guess what: You can have it all.


I know that is a hard pill to swallow – especially if you are struggling in any areas of your life. But I can promise you – you can have it all – if you just stop lying to your damn self.

Look – I have been there. And I am not perfect – I don’t have everything yet – but I am pushing myself deeper and deeper every single day to achieve it – and wouldn’t you know it: the harder I push the more I get.

Funny how that works.

Stop Lying To Yourself

The first thing you need to do to get anywhere is stopped lying to yourself. Call a spade a spade. Look at your life through an honest lens and ask yourself if you are where you want to be. Do you have that family life? DO you have a job with that income? What about that romantic life? Are you strong/fit to attract the attention you want? Are you fully present dad that you want to be?

Don’t be afraid of the answer. Stop lying to yourself. Seek the truth – the truth that only you know.

You see – we all have different dreams. We all have different desires. We all want a little bit different from that family life. We all seek different jobs with different income levels. We all want a different type of romantic life. We all what to look a little different in our physiques. Our dream life of being a dad differs from person to person.

And that is perfectly alright. You need to find your own truth. What is it that YOU want? Not your wife. Not your kids. Now your boss. YOU.

“If I want to be free, I have to be me. Not me you think I should be. If I want to be free – I need to be me”

-Bob Proctor

And here is where we start going down the slippery slope: We start getting comfortable where we are at. We start looking where we are and saying – “well ya, it isn’t where I want to be – but I guess it is OK”. We start lying to ourselves about our life. We start settling thinking that it is OK.

It’s NOT. Life is not meant to be just OK. It’s meant to achieve it all – or at least take a focused pursuit of everything that you want.

And step one to start achieving this is to stop lying to yourself. Stop with the bullshit on how your family really is. Stop justifying your shitty job and weak ass paycheck. Stop thinking weak-ass sex once a month is OK. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LET’S STOP ACCEPTING THE DAD BOD. Quit telling yourself that you are an OK father because you are better than your neighbor.

Start looking at the things you want to improve – what you truly want in life – that man you truly want to be – and take steps every single day to go get them.

Yes – that means making some tough decisions and having some tough conversations. But isn’t it worth it? Isn’t making those tough decisions worth it in the long run to achieve all the success you want in life? I think so – actually – I know so.

Is this easier said than done? Yes of course. It takes work. You aren’t going to wake up tomorrow and be changed. You have spent your entire life becoming the person you are today – you just can’t turn that corner in the snap of a finger. But in the same way, you have learned to be the person you are today – you have the ability to learn to be the person you want to be.

Stop lying to yourself. Stop settling. Start learning. Start living. Your life will change.

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