Best Yoga For Dads

best yoga for dads

Let’s face it – there is nothing manly about yoga. I don’t care who you are – that is a true fact. Men just aren’t supposed to bend like that. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t great for you and you should give it a try. In this article, we will discuss the best yoga for dads. Try it – you may be surprised.

Yoga is more than a downward dog and tight pants. There is a flow – energy – that is created. I have been doing Yoga on and off for a few years, and when you connect the movement to the breath – it truly is a spiritual experience. Kind of like runners high for all my fellow runners out there. You get to work out any stress, improve breathing, and increase flexibility all in one. And the best part is – it is as easy as a youtube search to find a program.

What is the best yoga for dads?

The answer to this question is based on a completely personal preference. But let’s start creating your preference with some education. First, what are the main types of yoga out there? There are actually many different types of yoga, and new ones are being started all the time. Some of the oldest, most mainstream types are:

  • Hatha – This your basic, slow movement, gentle, beginner yoga. It focuses on uniting the body, mind, and soul in a slow, controlled movement.
  • Vinyasa – This type of yoga focuses on breathing. Typically, your movements are synced with your breaths. Every breath is a movement, and every breath other is a movement. You move with your movement for total flow and rhythm through the entire yoga session.
  • Ashtanga – Better know as power yoga, this type focuses on fast, intense poses and movements. It is a series of poses in order, at a strict and vigorous pace.
  • Iyengar – This yoga focuses on body alignment. The main emphasis is for holding poses for a longer period of time, in the correct posture, rather than moving from one to another.
  • Bikram/Hot yoga – Bikrams is a hot style yoga that uses a series of 26 poses in a hot room (usually around 108 degrees). There are other styles of yoga that are considered “hot” yoga that are variations of Bikrams. It is basically a yoga style done in a heated room to promote an increase in body temperature for cleansing and stretching purposes.

I am not a yoga expert. I know there are many other types of yoga and many others being formed as we speak. These, to me, are a broad description of the types of yoga that are out there. Every time there is a variation done on a specific type of yoga, it is called something different and is a “new” type of yoga. So what is the best type of yoga for you? The one that you like the best.

Best Yoga For Dads

I highly suggest trying all the different types of yoga you can get your hands on until you find that perfect mix for you. If you want to focus on flexibility, try out basic yoga, and work your way up. If you want a full-body workout, try power yoga. If you want to meditate, try a flow style yoga. If you aren’t sure what you want, try them all! And the best part of this is that you never have to set foot into a class if you don’t want to. There are plenty of videos on youtube, or via on-demand downloads. Give them a shot – you may just find one you love to do.

The most important thing to remember about yoga is that it is a practice. Yoga isn’t about how much you can lift or how fast you can run or anything else. It is a set amount of time where you can dedicate a workout to you. You aren’t competing with anyone else, including yourself. You shouldn’t get frustrated when you fall out of a pose. You shouldn’t be self-conscious that you are dripping sweat when doing Bikrams. You should take the time of yoga, clear your mind, and do it for you. That is what makes yoga such a “spiritual” experience. It is you, and yourself. Whether it is a gentle yoga outside or a power class in the heat.

So go out and find the best yoga for dads – but most importantly find the best type for you. Give it a shot – you may just get addicted to yoga – you just may not want to tell anyone that. 🙂

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